ORIGINAL PAINTING: "Castle Freedom Tooth" 18x24 Oil on Panel 2024
ORIGINAL PAINTING: "Castle Freedom Tooth" 18x24 Oil on Panel 2024
🏰ORIGINAL AVAILABLE: “Castle Freedom Tooth” 18x24 Oil on Panel 2024. This painting comes framed. US orders only please (Prints always ship internationally of course! )
On the Trial Series painting 8/9
👽This is the eighth painting in my series, “On the Trail”, which tells the story of a group of pioneers headed West to follow the Gold Rush when they are spirited away to a new world by nonhuman entities. This painting takes place approximately 174 years ago on a terraformed planet, accessible through a portal here on Earth, at the sight of what is now a tourist attraction called, “The Oregon Vortex”. (It’s fun! I’ve been there.)
🛸…When the party first arrived in this new land, young Myrl Bel encountered an unusual insectoid creature who gifted her a golden map that would lead her and her party to safety in this new and alien world. And so after months of grueling overland travel across harsh terrain, paranormal experiences, an outbreak of dysentery that took the life of J.J. Junior, the beast that gobbled Old Gertrude Nesbit’s neck in the night, and their unsettling meeting with the “Blood Robot”, the party reached their final destination…. A castle! And they weren’t the only ones. It seemed that the mantid creature had orchestrated a gathering in this place, for many other travelers, 189 men, women, and children in total--all of them pioneers--all of them following the Gold Rush.
🏰Later, after a horrific tooth extraction incident in the main courtyard, this forgotten fortress would be named Castle Freedom Tooth, and would one day become the capital city of a human breakaway civilization called the Southwestern Bellows.